Friday, January 1, 2021

Starting Out New




This hard year is finally over.  The contagion has not.  For this year, I am setting the intention of “Promises”, and the reasoning for this being the theme of this year, 2021, is that there has to be something beautiful every day that I may have missed had I not done so if this quietude and isolation had not been retracting my fly-away lifestyle and way of being. 

The moon is in its third quarter (Leo’s time) and I am a Leo so for a couple of days, I am to be influenced with strength and, you may hear me roar.  The Incense of the day is Vanilla.  I must bake some of my freezer cookies that are flavored with vanilla.  I will streak a bit of vanilla on my art journal page and will use it as my seal for this whole day. 

Today is a good day to read your cards, if you do such.  I lay down twelve around the clock shape, to represent the twelve months, in order to set intentions for each month.  (Notice I do not say “goal”, for it is too static and iffy and easy to break because we are not pointed enough with our goals…intentions allow you to succeed).  Each card holds the work to be worked on for that month.  January is working on Conscious Connections, developing trust in others again. 

A ceremony I will be doing is keeping a jar and a container of pennies.  Every time I think a negative thought about someone, I have to put a penny in the jar.  You see, I have a problem with blending a family, being accepted by some of them, and trying to deal with a tribe different than my own.  It causes stress and anxiety.  I have to change that and this month is the month to do that.

Each month I will have a theme to work on and I can be more conscious of how I hold back from getting too close to others after a bad experience.  That does not mean drop my boundaries, but be cognisant of them and whether they are leading me to personal peace.

Spend some time listening to this song and then set some intentions of your own.

©Carol Desjarlais 1.1.21

***Art is done in my art journal, not for sale.


Ho'oponopono Song ~ Ho'oponopono International ~ Aman Ryusuke Seto


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