Sunday, January 3, 2021

Protect Your Beautiful Self and Your Beautiful Beautiful Life




Today the color is amber.  Today is a great day to do some protection. It is a good day to make yourself a Bell Bracelet/anklet, fob.  You will need three small jingle bells and a length of ribbon, or sting, etc. to use to put the bells on.  Make the string long enough, if you are making bracelet or anklet or fob plus enough to tie it on.  Each bell has a purpose”:  One is for protection and as you add it to the strand, say, “this is for protection”; Hold the second one in your hand and say, “This one is for warning|”, and add it; the third one is for defense, speak it and add it.  All day, wear it on your person and when you feel negativity or sense negativity in self, give the bells a shake.  You will be surprised how often you will hear them. 


Salt has, so they say, incredible talent in absorbing negative energy.  I have been using it this month and it has made a difference, perhaps, psychologically, in me, but, nonetheless, has made a difference.  Many ancient cultures, and even cultures today, use salt for this reason.  I have made a salt bowl to hold my salt, and herbs, that I also add to it, as well as a rose quartz crystal.  I could also add oils, if needs be, for I have inserted a tiny glass jar inside the form and the oil will not saturate into the clay.  I need the peace, the protection. 

Many use a copper bowl or a bowl of natural material.  I chose to make one out of airdried clay.  It should be one that you use just for the salt and protection materials.


When deciding on your intention for the salt and materials you put in the bowl, put it where it will most affect what might come into your space.  Our dining area on my altar in the dining room is a perfect place for it for me.  It should be kept high enough hat my dogs and little grandchildren, when they an come, will not bother it.  You put in fresh salt and materials at each full moon. When you dump the salt, put it where it will add to your garden space or in an area where you do not want plants to grow.  Soil will neutralize the negative energy as it does the salt.  


The Goddess that goes with this is the Hindu goddess Druga, who was born from the energy and light of the gods getting together to combat negativity in the world.  She is the mother protector of Mother earth and all that is on it.  It is she you ask for protection and for harmony.  Durga  can be a warrior goddess on your behalf.  She can help you battle through your ‘stuff’ in order to gain spiritual awakening.  To you, she is mothering, she is queenly, she is your ultimate support.  When there is great negativity around you, within you, she can route through the trouble and find your truths for you to become aware of.  She wishes to rid the whole world of negativity and to bring harmony.  She will help the least and the most of us that she is called to when there is a crisis. 

Do you wonder why I am so interested in the goddesses?  The goddesses are archetypal energies that, when studied, can be a catalyst for good energies of all kinds.  It is sacred energy that one can call on when feeling unprotected/vulnerable or in need of strength, courage, and solutions to questions you might have.  They are personification of good energy, and, yes, can be negative energy themselves, when needing to be.  They are ancient sacred feminine forces whose stories encourage us to take our own power back and to transform our spiritual energies.  I was in need of a feminine beloved.  Over the years, they have become more and more important to me as I transition into elderhood and closer to the ‘going back’ from whence I came.  I have always need that high Feminine power for comfort, for guidance, for helping me root out my own weaknesses and frailties so I might become more balanced, have more dignity and grace, and in this way, something, to grasp on to when I am in need of a deeper energy to do so.  She is without and she is within.  I am succored by the goddesses.

©Carol Desjarlais 3.1.21 

***this month is going to be all about ceremony and special supports that you can begin to practice in your daily life.  It is not going to happen immediately as we will learn to deepen simple ceremony into our life.  For instance, before this month is out, I hope to begin to be able to incorporate some of the empowerment into my art.  At first, I will do simply little things to help support me in my intentions for the year. 


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