Saturday, January 2, 2021





Leo still reigns the day.  Indigo is the color.  Ivy is the incense to burn.  If you do not have Ivy incense, then put  drop of Olive Oil on your art journal page, or planner.  Winter has settled in in our Fruit Basket of a Valley. 

Did you know that there is power/energy in your very fingertips?  I have an almanac that speaks to this.  I found it interesting and share an excerpt here.  After all, we could use every bit of help we can find to help us ne more resolute. 

You index finger of the left hand helps us set confidence.  The index fingertip of the right applies leadership.  The middle fingertip of the left hand signifies concentration.  The middle fingertip of the right hand sets focus.  The ring fingertip calls for inspiration.  The fingertip of the ring finger calls for creativity.   The left pinky fingertip calls for spirituality.  The fingertip of the left hand calls for power/energy.  How interesting and, just a note, the id on my phone, should you obtain it, lol, is my ring fingertip of my right hand.  How significant is that?  When applying the oil to the top of a page, use the fingertip that most sets the intention. 

Spend the next few nights until New Year’s Eve, considering what you need to change about self.  You will only change if you persist. 

In a world where there is such fracture between people/groups, places, things, we need to remember to support each other.  Yes, opinions will be at great odds because that is the atmosphere of the world we live in today.  Perhaps those at odds with you have a totally different commitment, ideology, way of life, and the only way for us to get along is to allow them their opinion.  Some may believe the opposite to you with all their heart.  Politics worked me hard in this and I had a very difficult time surrendering to the ideology that those at odds with my thoughts believed themselves with all their heart.  I can only change what I do and think, not what others do and think.  No matter how it broke my heart, I had to accept their ideologies.  I did not haver to encourage or support their ideas, I simply had to extract myself from conversations about such things we were at odds about.  That was a tough one for me to surrender to, but I did it.

W need those who can support us, encourage us, help us sustain our resolutions when they, in fact, may believe as we do.  We need to learn to ignore the differences of those whose relationship means something important to us.  We need to gather with those of like mind (noting that gather means through social media, texts, phone calls, at this time).  We need to examine why some think differently than we do, act differently, send out different energy than we do.  There is something to learn in that.  Somehow, we need to be able to sense that we might make a difference and we can only do this in isolation, moments of quiet of our minds, and make the change in ourselves. 

We can be resolute about celebrating our commonalities (even if it means ‘eating crow’.  Only through our own ways of being do we influence the ether.  It is the ether that sorts many things out.  ‘Accept the things we CAN change’; ideology.  For those of you who follow me, the sisterfriends, we are friends for a reason.  We meet no one and connect with no one but those we were meant to connect with.  I love you for it.  I am resolute in supporting you.


I’ll Be Here For You



©Carol Desjarlais 2.1.21




  1. You have so much to say, you are a powerhouse of thoughts. I can’t wait for your published thoughts. Love you.

    1. thank you. You are why I keep blogging. I have blogged online since 2005, when I retired. There have been several blog sites I have used. I do it for me because it helps me clarify my thoughts, as well.

  2. I enjoyed this very much! I cannot express myself as well as you :)

    1. Oh, Donna, we all express ourselves and our thoughts differently. I just happen to have thoughts that pour out of me and I choose the one to focus on for the blogging. xoxo
