Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Wonderful Wild Wisdom-Keeper Women




Be a wise woman, be a wild wonderful Wisdom-Keeper Woman.  Realize that there have always, ancestrally, been Wild Wonderful Wisdom Keeper Women and those who were Wild Women Warriors throughout all time and there still are.  You are one.  I am one.


There was once a woman who organized a rebellion against the German occupiers in Tanzania, She donned animal skins (although it was traditionally only men who wore animal skins in battle).  She fought and killed many Germans but she only had spear and knife so was killed in battle.  Because she was a brave strong courageous woman such as the Germans had ever seen., they took her body and did an autopsy to see if they could figure out what made her so.  They found nothing.  So they autopsied her brain and still they found nothing out of the ordinary.  This story is told over and over down the generations and the ending of the tale is “Of course they did not find anything, for they did not search her heart.


Wild Wonderful Women throughout ages have had stories told of them.  They were, as we are, amazing women.  They stand for what they believe.  We are amazing women who can stand for what we believe.    They taught the following generations about being strong, brave and courageous, as do we.  We are Wonderful Wild Wisdom-Keeper Women.


We have our stories; we have our memories.  We have been brave.  We have been courageous.  We have our ancestral stories and our own stories.  Our stories come from successes and failures that became successes.  We remind our children of such.  We tell our grandchildren.  We tell our grandchildren amazing stories about their parents.  We tell our progeny to follow their dreams and that they can surmount great mountains.  We must learn not to regret what we never did.  We need to focus on those amazing personal feats and tell of them.


Our ancestral mothers before us worked with stones, bones, feathers plants and kept their own ancient stories alive.  They used water, earth, fire, air, their drums, to pray and bless.  There are some of us, yet, who do the same. 


We may not realize it, but we have our own personal ceremonies and rituals.  We remember historical incidents, personally, and share them and how they changed our world, us.  We celebrate holidays a certain way.  We have our own ways to pass on ancient information. 


Here we are, full of wisdom and not honoring that as we should.  We can tell you where we were and how it affected the world, us, when John Kennedy was shot.  We know the stories behind Rosa Parks.  Some of us know culture mores that our parents taught us, or conditioned us with.  We were taught to pray and we have made that personal in ways we communicate with the Creator and pass that on.  Every one of us have a miracle happen in our lives at some point.  We share those to give others hope. 

We know how to honor things.  We share that through modeling.  We teach our children how to grieve, by the way we grieve.  We teach our children how to get through hard times as they are always watching. 

Think of the story of Joan of Arc.  We are her in so many ways.  We have been burned; we have risen like Poseidon.  We need to share all these things.  Pass on your knowledge.  It doe no good sitting within and being lost in our passing.  Sharing our wisdom ensures that the stories do not die.  It ensures we are not forgotten an our hopes and dreams and wishes and reality will always be passed down if we honor our wisdom an it merit.

Some of the deepest dearest things are kept alive through us, and later, through them.  Share your wisdom, sisters.  The world has need of your memories, you wild wonderful Wisdom-Keeper Woman, you!

©Carol Desjarlais 26.1.21


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