Monday, January 18, 2021

Finding Contentment




Today’s color is Ivory, again, the incense is Sage.  If you have, or can make a pendulum, make one of some kind.  You can use any stone in it.   

Here is how to use a pendulum.

My pendulum.


While I do not use the pendulum often, I only use it for yes or no answers about something I am truly indecisive about.  I do have an old one, made of metal, but have not had a true connection to it.  Some of the pendulums in the above article are beautiful and if I were going to truly use a pendulum often, I would make a beautiful one.  Nonetheless, whether it is psychological or not, it is a tool one can use.

And, today is a great day to seek answers.  The world outside is gorgeous and since COVID-19, I am finding I see the smaller more beautiful things outside.  We have a juniper hedge by our patio.  On Jan 16, we had one of our coldest nights/mornings, -5c, and everything was covered in frost.  I despise winter weather.  I want to be back in Arizona for the winter.  It cannot be, and so I have to seek the beautify in the world that is here and now. But, oh, the fog/hoarfrost took my breath away with its delicate artwork.


Look, happiness does not last long.  It sort of flickers in and flickers off.  Contentment is something that can stay.  It is when everything feels okay, and you are settled and comfortable with where you are.  We are facing a huge stress-maker with this COVID-19.  Contentment has a lot to do with gratitude.  It has a lot to do with appreciating the small things we may have been in too much of a rush to take note of before.  It is accepting that things are as they should be.  That is huge. 

Oh, we’ve all seen and been encouraged to write down things we are grateful for.  That is old hat and we probably have not had much success, in sustaining contentment, as our EIW/Ego gnaws away at us even trying.  There is always that “But…but…but…”  The place I feel the safest and the most comfortable and the most grateful is in the middle of the night, under the moon, or under where the moon should be (lots of gray cloudy rainy skies here all winter).  What we ache for is some overriding comfort that can come and stay.  It is normal to want more.

Patience is required as we seek and learn things that have us feel contentment.  Our goal should always be that we get to know what brings us that place where we are content and learn how to surrender (there is that dreaded word again) to those things that it takes to feel it.  At some point, we learn to accept (or, as in aging, we learn to adapt and surrender to things we cannot do, or are just simply not meant to have or be.  In my Croneship, I am learning to accept that the mind might be willing, the heart might desire, but the body simply cannot do.  What I used to do for comfort, for contentment, I cannot do any more (i.e.:  climb mountains heck, to walk around the block without pain).

And, while I find a few slipping gears in my cognizance, and I am aware of flaws that I might have that keep me from gaining some aspects of peace, I am willing to try.  I am wiling to make detours.  I am willing to surrender, and I am willing to make detours and accept what comes rather than have exactly what I think I want.  I suppose I will finally accept limitations (not slump into apathy about it all) and find peace and comfort (contentment) with the fact I have what I am supposed to have.

Bless us that we find acceptance about what we now have and that we do not spend the energy seeking greener grass.  The world is beautiful at any time, we may just need another perspective. 

©Carol Desjarlais 18.1.21


Beautiful art in this - Storm boy living in this beautiful world




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