Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Preparing to Leap




Without Risk, it can become easy to settle into complacency, our momentary security, our fragile stability.  Without Risk can we ever experience growth?

The color of this day is maroon.  The essence is cinnamon.  It is the night of the New Moon.  Today is the seeking of knowledge of some higher purpose that we might have.  We must move out of our comfort zone and plod on towards our higher purpose.

We might think we have found our safe harbor but then a certain something, deep inside, begins to stir and we are driven to want more, to need more, to step into things unknown and, perhaps, risky, because we have been so comfortable with where we are – for the most part.  Then suddenly, 2020 comes and throws us a curve ball unlike any we have experienced.  Our level of discomfort, I believe, is determined by our compliancy prior to the pandemic.  Risk has a whole new connotation.  Safety is defined in new ways.  We are more responsible for our own health, our own safety, our own comfort than we ever have been.  We can embrace the new way of living, the new us, or we can sink into the mire of fear, of victimhood by circumstances out of our control, or we can slowly extricate ourselves from the mundane boring, depressing way of living that this could easily become. 

Sometimes things that cause us to risk can be devastatingly painful.  Sometimes it is a simple stirring inside the soul.  We have had need of courage in our lives.  We need courage now.  This pandemic is asking us to leap into having faith (and for me that is a tough one, all bundled up in trust), W are asked for patience, of which I am in short supply of these days, in not having freedom to simply do as we please, when we please, with whom we please.  Course of normal living has drastically changed.  I am learned to stand to be all by myself and listen to inner workings that drive me or have me procrastinate. 

My choices are more thought out. No more, spur-of-the-moment decisions, and, yes, I miss that spontaneity.  In listening within the quiet, I am learning that every day I have been brave, I have been long-suffering and still found reasons to smile and be positive.  I have learned that many little reasons for courage are with me throughout even one day. 

We are all trying to get through this maze of narrow restrictions and trying to keep each other safe, and we do not even know if the air we breathe every moment is studded with the virus.  Staying home and sheltered, in place, is a huge thing for me.  I am seeing more in more different ways.  I am learning to entertain myself.  There are some risks worth trying out and some I am learning to pull back from.

How about you?  Let’s go out and stare at this shared moon and come up with some ideas. 

©Carol Desjarlais 1.12.21


1 comment:

  1. I am entering a time of self reflection. I have been in a rut, talk about complacency! I need to remember who I am and what I stand for, and regain my footing in life instead of letting it just sweep me along.
