Saturday, January 30, 2021

Singing Hoops




 For my two little private art students; one of our latest lessons, last year, was Singing Hoops.  They both need a great deal of work on hand coordination and finer motor control.  To meet the goal of helping then learn muscle memory for finer and finer control, I have done several big projects that help them get more dexterity and do some fine tuning.  I start big and then I have them do smaller and smaller projects.  I can see a difference already; in the way they hold their writing and painting utensils.  They both loved finding the patterns while doing this project.  Both boys were able to do this right away and were able to do the repeating patterns.  It took several days for them to do the covering, alone. and they learned to be patient and to take longer periods of time doing hand eye work.  I am so proud of how they did. 

I used different sizes of large hula hoops as the frame for the boys to learn the way to make them. 


C's singing hoop



O’s singing hoop




Some of my own:





Here is a way to make one… it shows the right knots…

©Carol Desjarlais 30.1.21




  1. What an amazing teacher, and excellent students.

    1. Doing the largest hula hoops as a frame, allows for larger muscle work and finger dexterity. They both loved it when they were done, but had a hard time with the patience to do the wrapping of the hoop for the first part. I really made a difference with their hand and finger control, for sure. Ty.
