Saturday, January 16, 2021

Healing Stored Memories




The hardest part about Self-healing is that we do not want to admit we have stress caused by triggers that reach far back into our past (sometimes our very early past), that we feel guilt at feeling emotional stress because we perceive that the world expects us to ‘buck up’, and we really do not have the skills to deal with emotional pain so we try to numb it however we do that. 

The problem is, those memories, until dealt with, are seated, firmly, in our cellular memory.  It is not just stored in our brain.  They live in every fibre of your being. 

Have you ever made something, many years ago, (say, a crocheted afghan)  and you pick it up years, decades later, and the memory of what was going on when you made it comes through loud and clear?  Is it why I have kept my father’s ‘little green sweater’ although the smell of him has gone away, still brings strong beautiful memories of a distant father?  There are multi-sensory memories that come when we remember things.  So, think how destructive some memories are, that we have not attended to.

Suppressed memories still reel and roll, waiting for a moment to , again, reveal themselves.  We have to learn NOT to suppress, not just cope with them and use up all that energy and soul space trying NOT to heal those malignant memories.  Those things rise to the surface like a deep sea monster that sends our body into fight or flight mode.  Allowing them to rise, and dealing with the attached emotions, dealing with the very trigger of what we thought was hidden and extinguished, is the only way to heal it. 

In fact, REmembering and walking through it ( even an early childhood memory) can be done, but you have to be willing, and be ADULT with maturity, look at that memory as if it were a newborn child you have just given birth to.  It is strange but it is yours ( wholly yours) and, in its way, it is precocious and in need of your healing gaze to be comforted and be allowed to go the way of triggers that are extinguished.  As well, the stress attached to the memory is diluted each time we open up that pandora’s box and allow healing bit by bit.  No one else can do this for you.  It is yours and it is owned and nurtured by you, either negatively or positively.  You continue to stress or you continue to heal.  The choice is always ours.

You can choose to work on just a tiny bit of stored memories tony by working with the color gray, by burning smudge ( or incense or using sage essential oil).  Sometimes we need deep clarity and we can use the crystal CITRINE to help us release the negative emotions that come as we work with the Moon in Pisces and Mercury in Aquarius, today. 

I wish us all magic wands, of course, I do.  But, there are no magic wands.  There is just some hard work, in some safe space we create, when we are going to work on healing such things.  Blessed Be us all in work that frees our very soul.

©Carol Desjarlais 1.16.21


***re:  stored memories and organ transplants


***inspired by Pam Carriker


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