Thursday, January 7, 2021





“Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow.”
– Swedish Proverb

I believe that we, as women, tend to worry more than our counterparts.  We have always been in charge of the hearth, around the hearth, and anything to do with members of kith and kin.  We are keenly aware of others’ needs, wants, wishes, and desires.  We are full of guilt for times we coulda, woulda, shoulda, and feel responsible if anyone in our circle is hurting in any way.  We have work to get done, people to feed, others to nurture, service to give.  Lord help us if we do anything wrong, according to anyone else.  It is hair-raising to say the least, for us.  And so, we worry.  But, is all worry a bad thing?

It is interesting to note that women tend to lean on religion/spirituality to get relief from anxiety, worry and concern.  We tend to be more careful and do less riskier things.  We are less likely to use drugs or alcohol to numb life.  We drive more safely.  We are born with an inherited need to keep others safe.

Of course, we know the negatives of concern, worry, anxiety.  We become depressed more easily than men.  We carry a lot of burdens for others.  Of course, society is changing, cultures are changing, and there are global changes that have been going on since the 60s.  Women began to rebel against authority, and the other gender.  We became empowered and then overly empowered and then back to a more balanced empowerment. Girls are more often to do risky things and have riskier behaviors.  Girls are more competitive than the generations before.  Women are more than willing to do what was always “men’s’ work”.  Women are drinking more and using more.  It has come to pass that young girl are more gender neutral, as are many of the boys.  It is natural that, with risk-taking, there is more anxiety, concerns and things to worry about.  Some are so lost in all the changes. 

Older women worry more about their children and themselves.  There is an anxiousness that grows, in many, as they age and life forces changes we did not necessarily want to make.  So, we are tending to out more pressure on self to be balanced, to be more perfect, to be more everything than we are, within limitations of bodies that are aging.  We have a whole new set of types of worries and concerns.  We also have overcome and are thriving in ways that we know are coming from our choices.  I think we finally got that. 

I wish you worry less and live more. xoxoxo


Songhoy – “Worry”


Today’s thoughts are about being leaders and knowing when to be a follower.  Think of seven important people you have relationship with.  Choose a stone for each one.  Hold them in your hand and bless those people in knowing when they, too, should lead, that they lead; and that they follow, when they need to follow.  There is always a precarious balance going on to lead and follow.  Bless those seven stones and place them on the earth in a protected place.  Doing this little ritual will help alleviate some of the worry, flurry, and concern you may have.  Clove oil or mulled spice will help to seal the deal for you.  The color of the day is Green. (Look up the symbolism of green to direct you further, if you wish to go deeper).

©Carol Desjarlais 7.1.21

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