Tuesday, January 5, 2021

There Has To Be Hope



Today’s color is gray.  Geranium is the flower.  Even in the barren time of winter, of a covid winter, there is hope of so many different kinds.  Small miracles, small blessings add up.  And like the sparrow, who gathers in communion with others in a flock and kites the skies in winter, and spreads their tiny song in unison, we can find hope in myriads of ways.

Today is a great day to make some kind of bread.  Watch the simple forms combine to become one and watch that, then, transform.    If you cannot make bread, use bread to transform it into something more, for instance, a grilled cheese sandwich and while it cooks, sit quietly and mediate on how we transform our lives, into something ‘more’ than it originally was.  I love making artisan breads.  They are so easy and so fragrant and so delicious.  They are no big deal to make and you make one loaf at a time.  From my art desk, I see outside and I watch sheets of sparrows and chickadees buttering the sky with their synchronized flights.  This is a ceremony to remind us that every moment, every blink of the eye, we change, we transform ourselves into something ‘more’. 

We do not need to be loud, gregarious, full of false positivity.  We are love, personified, as they are.  The sparrow, in Ancient Greece, was identified by Aphrodite’s sparrows.  It was believed that sparrows caught souls as they passed and would carry them to the beautiful next world.  No matter how significant we feel, we are love’s hope.  You have a soft side, a gentle side, a side that gives service.  We can conquer all the world’s problems with our love and service for wherever we share love, we are example of hope.

©Carol Desjarlais 6.1.21 

*** art  inspired by  Artist Susan Jenkins of Monet Cafe


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