Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Clear the Air




We are in Libra and the fourth quarter of the moon.  Mars enters Taurus. The color of the day is brown.  Today is an Air day.   Scent to use is honeysuckle.  Today is the realm of the lesser Hawaiian God of Wind, Paka’a.  Paka’a had his authority passed down from his grandmother, Loa.The wind clears the air.  I grew up in South Western Alberta up against the Rockies and the corner of Montana, Alberta and BC. And I know wind well.  There are different ways to cleanse the air.  Some choose to meditate to cleanse their minds.  Some choose music to cleanse their environment.  Some use stones/crystals.  Some use smoke.  I am a burner, a fire-lover, and I use fire/smoke.

When we turn on music and the house is filled with the sound of music that means something to us, we are cleansing the air and environment in our homes.  I recently uploaded Spotify for making Bluetooth play lists and I have all my favorite music in different playlists.  My granddaughter (13) told me about an app that identifies a song wherever it is playing, called Adobe Capture.  I have caught songs in the mall on their speaker, I have caught a song in a movie, I have caught a song from a music that a friend was playing and then went to Spotify and downloaded it.  I love it when the soundwaves of music stir the ether in my house.  My partner finds music distracting and bothersome, which is a real pity, so whenever he goes out, I either play Bluetooth off my play list or have google find a song for me and play it through the house.  When he comes back in he immediately says, “Stop” and google turns it off.  For Christmas, I bought myself a new video cam and headphones and microphone.  Now I can plop on my headphones and play my music off youtube favorites.  My new favorite singers will be showing up in my blog posts and I get a few moments respite from background noises as I search for the right music for a post.  A brotherfriend sent me David Campbell’s two cd set and I am feasting on it right now.


David Campbell, “January February March”



Crystals are another way to cleanse.  Some crystals carry the ability to cleanse.  Black fluorite, black tourmaline, are two that are often used.  I have a site I go to to remind myself of the healing properties of crystals.  Although it says, “...used in magic….” Do not let that put you off.  It is not magic, it I scientific properties an known healing properties of crystals. 

And, my favorite cleansing is my smudge of sage, sweetgrass,  or other natural medicines like lavender, holywood, and what the Cree call “mukusom”, a fungus that grows on birch tress and is a pungent gingery smell when you burn it.   One can use oils, incense sticks, oils of any kind.  Choose as many cleansing/purification/protection scents as possible and change them up. I also use a great deal of patchouli and that scent clears everything for me, emotionally.   I will be putting up the scent of the month in this blog so you can begin to collect scents. 

Some cleanse with words, yes, words.  Our very speech carries energy to the ether.  Remember the jingle bracelet/anklet?  Yes, that is to help me guard my words and thoughts (thoughts, as well, create energy in the ether). 

Our point here is to cleanse body, mind, heart and spirit of any negativity in any way we can.  Sometimes dusting and the smell of wood polish tends to have me feel positive, as does pinesol (has to be pinesol.. that is my truly cleansing scent... if it knocks you down with its smell, then my house is clean and I have been working through some ‘stuff’ like a banshee.  LOL) 


©Carol Desjarlais 6.1.21


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