Friday, January 15, 2021

Water Are, Water Be




 Today’s color is coral, The Moon is in Pisces.  Thoughts and ideas are swimming through my mind, heart, and soul.  There are huge feelings, up and downs, and an agate is a slow release of healing energy that will help comfort and ground you.

Any water-based activity will help you smoothen out the day.  Listen to water music.  Lose yourself in artistic or creative endeavors.  Do not let sapsuckers (those people who sap your energy and emotions, create drama, lean heavily on you until they are an emotional burden) drain you or use you.  Do not hold too tightly to anything of terrestrial makings.  You have enough emotional ‘stuff’ to deal with. 

Some of us might be ‘stuffing’, fantasizing, anything that helps us escape COVID-19 fatigue.  Do not get beached on such and end up floundering because you set aside feeling the feelings.  I know that this painting has not a bit or coral or Pisces in it.  I know what is happening here.  I am trying to avoid the part where Pisces/water signs are all about forgiveness, about dropping resentments, and we do not forgive ourselves and so are unable to forgive others.  Water is the baptismal fonts …bathing, swimming, showering, anything to do with water can help heal this in us.  I need this, myself.

So, today, do less activity and do more self-healing while the opportunity is open.  Carry some agate around for the day.  Find something coral to create or to put on your altar or self.  I will do some deep work on avoidance.   Blessed be!

©Carol Desjarlais 15.1.21


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