Friday, May 7, 2021

Grunge Crackle


“Poor are those who have eyes but cannot see “

As I began this page with crackle mixed with Mod Podge and the outside of that beautiful crackle is done with Mod Podge and an opaque gesso.    I tried to stick to the wonderful background that happened.  Sometimes those that “just happen” are amazing.  I do not know if I could replicate that crackle again.  


I feel like I have not really pulled this together well enough yet, so I may come back to it later.


But, as I was working on this, I was really thinking about the quote.  The page started by me finding that quote. 

I am one, and sure I am not alone, that overlooked things in order to have the world be as I wanted to perceive it.  For instance, a choice or two on the men I chose to partner with.  I did not see the flaws that would eventually end those relationships.  I only wanted to see their good qualities.  Boy, didn’t that come back to bite my butt. 

Another thought came to light and I had to decide if I was a person who saw a cup half full or half empty.  I realize that my perception has changed because now that I am turning 74 years of age, I realize, with the life expectancy being 81 years of age, I have an approximate end date of 7 years from now.  We can not NOT think of it, but this cup of life is almost empty.  Perception has to be authentic.  This is my truth about perceiving The Cup.     To me, this is authentic perception.


This background is so intriguing and I have made another copy for a later time when I can do a painting using it... I see a woman in it.  Do you see her?

It is so common now to have these wonderful, gifted, people who do empowerment for women, and I adore Brene Brown and what she has to say and how she says it.  I am totally for allowing such to encourage me.  But, I am beginning to wonder:  Do we allow these great woman, typically, to have us focus too much on the me/feelings so that we become more narcissistic in that we stay focused on the ‘I feel..” too much?  Is there a gray area that is there for us to be focused outwards and see that others matter?  What do you think?

©Carol Desjarlais 5.7.21

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