Thursday, May 27, 2021

Cry Me An Ocean – steampunk




“Amniotic fluid has about 2% salinity.  Oceans are 3.0 to 3.5% dissolved salts.  All life does seem to have come from the ocean, but all life does not carry some sort of ancient, immutable salt signature.  Even so, the fact that women carry their children in sacs of fluid during gestation is a pretty nifty reminder of the connection of Earth life to water.” – Women’s Legacy Project

“Their story is our story, as well. We are the begotten ones. Our flesh is made of clay. Rivers run through our veins. Our lineage stretches from the ocean floor to the mountain crest. This is the beginning of knowledge.”
Thomas Lloyd Qualls,
Painted Oxen


I had a picture in my head, about this page.  I wanted to express.  It had an ocean, a sunken ship (of course, Adrienne Rich’s “Diving Into the Wreck”).    I painted the double-page spread with teal descending to dark midnight blue.


I gathered up some ocean-type bits and pieces and placed them on the two pages for a plan.


 I spackled a stencil on the bottom right of the page that will represent ‘The Wreck’.


I did some bubbles with my trusty makeup sponge.




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