Friday, May 28, 2021

Cage Door Has Always Been Open: What Is Your Story?




Sometimes we close down, as if we slammed a cage door and we feel blocked, or trapped, or without a way to get out of where we are…emotionally.  We get there because we have been defending ourselves to everyone else rather than take ownership; we have been putting up a resistance to change, too long; we got caught in a trap of judgment and our misled perceptions of what is real about everyone else and what is real about us.  But we are the one who closes the door.  We are the one who decides to stay in the cage of negativity and denial.  We are the ones who let our inner emotional maturity level stay put and defiantly so.  Yes, there are times when we are paralyzed with reality, but it does not mean we should stay there forever.  Yes, there are outer experiences that tinted the color of our emotional sky, but we can choose to stay under the grayness or we can step out and be who we meant to be.  We are not caged by anything other than our own choices.

Our emotional landscape can be as if set in stone because we tell ourselves inner stories until our psyche thinks that the reality is clear; life is awful, we are awful, we are too small in a big bad world, we are right to seek venge of some sort, and we forget to tell ourselves the story of our courage, of how we have things to be grateful for.  It is all a matter of the story we have been telling ourselves.  We are our ultimate storyteller. 

Positive storytellers live in a positive frame of mind.  They exude positivity in even the worst of circumstances.  They seek calm in a storm.  They seek a glimmer of light in a, seemingly, never-ending tunnel, they seek ways out of circumstances of their cage. In the end, we save our own lives.

When we denigrate ourselves, when we tell our woeful stories, when we judge ourselves unkindly, when we allow our evil inner witch to attack us, we are sending out energy into the ether… and it is not good energy, and like attacks like and we end up with judgemental people, we end p with people who will attack us, we end up with negative people sucking the life out of us.  We will feel powerless except that we are in total control of our power.  We choose to pace the inside of a cage, mumbling about how unfair, how useless, how despicable we are… or we can rattle the bars, try the doors, and find a way out. 

Look there is not one perfect person in the world or any other world.  We deserve the best in life and sometimes we need to check in on what is truly ‘best’ FOR us.  What we think, we are to only ourselves.  Other people have their own battles to battle.  Our battles are our own and not always do we need to announce we are on the battlefield.   We choose to make others treat us as they wish, as we script them to treat us.  If we were as good a friend to ourselves as we are to others, then others would value us, would see that we value ourselves. 

Being open-hearted about ourselves means we can be open-hearted about others in our life.  If we have trouble forgiving, it stems for our refusal to forgive ourselves.  The only way to heal is to heal ourselves.  We send out millions of vibrations every moment of every day and it is not hard to see how others feel about themselves when we see how they treat others.  How we treat our inner self is a mirror to how we treat our outside life and vice versa.  Our story is made up, totally, of how we interpret it.  We make up the parts of our story that is of importance to us and sometimes we give too much weight to the negative.  Those that are open-hearted will grasp all they can of all the ‘good stuff’ that we can, and good stuff comes because we set ourselves on a path where it can find us.    Or, vice versa.  Peace comes to those who seek it in honest, authentic ways.  We are living our own stories.  We are alive.  We are here.  We are able to change in a moment’s notice.  We rule our emotions they do not rule us.  We rule our thoughts they do not rule us.  Take your power by the hand and open the door to our self-imposed cage(s).  Be the reason that others can feel positive.  Be the reason that others can choose to be kind, forgiving, thoughtful, gracious, and be the dignity you are meant to be. Reach out to the door to your cage and walk ahead with love rather than condemnation.  

 How many times do we need to be told that Creator did not make garbage?  Why do we treat ourselves as if we were so?  You want JOY, be it!  You want freedom, be it!  You want peace?  Be it!  The stimulus to do so is within not without.  Be what you were meant to be, what you wished but forgot you were in charge of.  You are what you send out into the ether.  You choose.  You can.  The cage door has always been open.

©Carol Desjarlais 5.29.21


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