Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Full Supermoon Moon – A Bit Boho




Moonlight And Me

She seeps like water on a thirsty sod,
twining between leafy stalk and rocky ground,
slathering spiky grass with buttery kisses,
and swims in garden pool like a pale nymph.

Like a naughty maid, sneaking out at night,
over hilly sill, face round with adventure,
she lightens shadows with earthy perfume
and I follow her, like a voyeur intent on capture.

She is flight and fancy in the night
and we play tag between piney guardians
that watch our girlish adventures
with aging stern disapproval.

Come morning, we are found satiated
and star bathing in brilliant wishes
for such stunning summer serendipity
come nightfall when girl-wonder is most winsome.

©Carol Desjarlais

As the moon enters Gemini’s realm, we should begin to feel a sense of optimism and a need to learn more, learn faster.  We can, though, feel pulled different directions, and we may feel very moody as we cannot do it all all of the time, and as fast as we can.   While we may feel optimistic, there may be sudden drops down the deep well of restlessness, forgetfulness and a sense of apathy.  I know I began feeling this a few days ago; that up and down of not quite knowing, almost foreboding, but then exhilaration as things run smoothly rather than the ups and downs expected.   

Hang on, sisterfriends, this can be a heck of a ride for this full moon.   Remember to pause before coming up with a decision, before turning away, before thinking all is lost.  Let the moment ride and you will find it is not as bad as you thought.  Those Gemini twins can play with our body, mind, heart and soul.  Just let things be and let them work out as they should, then stride forward a few more steps. 

 ©Carol Desjarlais 5.26.21


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