Saturday, May 22, 2021

Cruz and the Spirit Deer




Cruz and the Deer

The deer follow Cruz for the walk his dad and he took, crossing highways, twice, and even tried to go into the house with him when they reached home.


My nephew, Rob and my great-nephew, Cruz, went for a long walk.  Along the way, a deer started following them and tried to follow Cruz right up to the door.  When an animal does an uncommon thing, or looks uncommon, and makes themselves very known, it is a spirit animal.  This is what I wrote to my nephew about it. 

I do not know Cruz very well, at all, but I wish I could hang around him more.  His gentle spirit speaks to animals, especially the deer.  He has a gift that the deer was drawn to.  He is very gentle spirited, so the deer related to him.  Cruz is one that good people will be drawn to and his sense of helping others, his deep empathy for others, is not common in young boys his age.  He is not seen as a leader with boys his age, but underneath, he is a quiet encouragement for others to be kind, compassionate and giving to others.  He does not like to stand out, but his gentle nature will do so.  He is a so innocent in so many ways and this innocence kept the deer from being afraid.

Don’t forget that the deer was following you, too, Rob. 

Cruz’s gentle spirit can be easily wounded by others’ pain and he will be very concerned if either you or anyone in the family is hurting.  He is pure-hearted and really drawn to any animals in the first place, because they are drawn to him.  A wounded being wounds him deeply.  You, as his father, needs to encourage this gentleness in him.  He will be a magnificent man if life allows him to stay gentle and compassionate and service=oriented.

Saying this, note that he is at the age where he will deny any feminine qualities and his sisters will seem silly and he will rebel against any of his softer character with his relationship with them.  He is at the age where he will l draw away from his mother and sisters and cling more to the ‘manly’ things you do with him.  Your role-modeling at this time of his life is paramount to who he will become in his adult life.  That is a lot of responsibility because you must model and keep hi safe because of his vulnerability.  It will feel like you need to protect him more than most dads will feel… and rightly so.  You need to model how to be safe not vulnerable because of his pure intent and gentle ways.

He is very sensitive, again, to wounded (and dying) things. Those with Deer totems/guardians are said to be the guardian doorways to the next place we go and I see him working in some kind of medical field because he will be drawn to compassionate service.  Those he will choose to be in service of will be treated with utmost respect, compassion and gentleness.

Again, I would love to know him better and spend time with him. 

Xoxox, Auntie.

***shared with permission.

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