Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Celtic New Year – Diana



It must be my ancient DNA that has me light up my outside patio with hundreds of different kinds of little lights, all year long.  I love to go outside at night and see them. I love to go out and watch as the moon arches across my night sky. 

This moon, until November 21, is all about the folk goddess Diana and her influences.  I light a silver or white candle and will keep it going throughout the month.  She is women’s’ protector, not just during childbirth, but in all things feminine, even our ‘crabbiness’, and, yes, she could sting like a scorpion, which is the astrological sign for the month.  She is water and her gemstone is topaz.  Her colors are black, crimson, burgundy and maroon.  Her flower is the chrysanthemum.  Her lucky numbers, and yours, too, for this time, are #2 and #4. 

She will influence you in ways of willpower, in determination, in endurance and we have to watch ourselves that we do not slip into the Scorpio stubbornness, hard-headedness, jealousy, and retaliation.  All goddesses, even us, have our dark side after all.  People ought to be wise enough to watch the intensity of our eyes.  Lol.

The Moon is in the First Quarter and this new year is so comfortable.  This last year was full of tying up loose ends in my life.  I am so blessed to have my ancestral knowledge and people in my life showing up. Seventy-five years ago, to the month, my birth father, my older half-brother and his wife, and my sixteen-month-old brother all lived in the same house when our brother’s wife had her new baby, in the same hospital I was born in a month and a half earlier.  Thanks to ancestry.com, they found me and I found them and my niece and I had a wonderful in-person gathering for a few hours, a week or so ago.  How precious is a blood line.  How strong the DNA pull.  It was love at first sight.  We are already close.  The blossoming and filling out of family stories and connections continues to grow.  What a blessing for this New Year to begin like this.  Our ancestors are smiling down on us, to be sure.  Something about this all gives one the sense of calm and of belonging and how beautiful life can be if we invite it all in.

I wish you a Happy Celtic New Year.  May we be healthy, be lifelong learners, be full of grace and calm, and our spirit’s bloom.

©Carol Desjarlais  11.1.22



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