Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Breaking the Reins of Negative Thoughts



Any thought causes a chain reaction of thoughts.  I recognize it when I am arting.  An idea will start.  It starts with an image in my head and then off goes the chain reaction and I am sunk into creation’s space where soul flows.  Negative thoughts can do the same, if we let them.

The minute I have a negative thought, I replace it with a good one.  I force myself to do that.  The last thing is to let my vivid negative imagination take hold.  It can go places no man or woman should go if I gave it free rein.

I have tried to stay conscious of triggers and my reactions to those triggers.  I used to, habitually, let negative thoughts take rein.  No more.  I work hard to turn those around before they leap off some silly danged cliff.  I learned to take one moment to see how that negative thought feels, as I do that, I loosen the leather straps that would chain me in to those thoughts.  The storylines in my head can be rewritten.  They can. 

Thoughts are just thoughts.  We make them have body and become our destroyer in moments.  Again, if we let them. 

Once I feel myself starting to blame or shame, I stop that thought immediately, dead in its tracks.  I do not have time for those kinds of thoughts that belong to the past.  The moment I take control of that, I have learned a new way to deal with thoughts that can bring out the worst in me. 

A thought creates a body reaction.  Always.  If it is a negative thought, the body begins tensing for war.  Yup, it is a battle betimes.  Trying to release the reins of Ego/ Evil Inner Witch/critical voice in my head, can be a battle indeed.  That can be some wild equine. 

By taking a moment to realize that a negative thought has come, you have created a moment to grab the reins.  You create the unsafe space through negative thinking!  That is huge to know.  Stop for a moment and know that you were safe a moment before the thought.  Then make a conscious decision that forces ego out of the way and take control of what you can control.  You can replace the negative thought with one positive one.  Yes, there is always one thing we can be positive about. 

I see reindeer instead of wild horses.  I wish you some control of your own reins.  Xoxoxo


©Carol Desjarlais 11.29.22


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