Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Taurus Moon Influences



The moon, under the influence of Taurus is a time to set intentions and getting what you desire out of them.    You will find your sense are heightened and you want to satisfy them.  Try to learn the flow of Taurus and your life will go way easier. 

Those born under the Taurus sign will find they are steadier, calm and easygoing for this moon.  You will be in a “roll up your sleeves and get ‘er done” way.  Taurus people will be very romantic, the rest of us will be drawn to romantic fiction and romantic shows on t.v.  You will be very protective of your time. You will enjoy food more.  You will notice more colors on earth.  You will smell things you do not usually smell... good things.  You feel at home down here on earth.  You might even be drawn to dance in the kitchen with the mop when no one is watching.  Naps become an important part of your ritual. 

Now is the time to get a new hobby (art journaling, anyone?)  The winter is drawing close and winter is the time for denning in for most of us.  Make sure you have things to do to keep your senses occupied. 

Get a massage, have a spa day, get your nails and/or hair done.  Set up an aroma therapy time and space, whether it is in the bath or with a diffuser.  Your body wants its fragrances as well. 

You will resist change, your Evil Inner Witch/Inner Voice will resent anyone messing with your schedule, and you can feel ‘put upon’ by ‘bullish’ others in your life.  You will want security over comfort.  Try not to get too tunnel-visioned and/or bullish in wanting things the way you want things.  Yes, you will be determined, but you may have someone else who is going to be stubborn and ‘bull-headed; to deal with for this month.  You can only change you.  Give up trying to change anyone else.  Work to be a pleasure to be around.  Others might not be.  Watch for light depression this month.  Sometimes we get bogged down and we may try to self-medicate with too much comfort food, etc. 

Yes, yes, take care of business.  Stay focused even when others around you are not.  Remember that quiet resolve is better than dogged determination. 

Money is going to feel tight right now (who doesn’t feel that?)  but you may find something come up that will make you short.  Allow others to help, not just financially, but help support you, comfort you, do for you for a change.

These are just a few things to watch for a be aware might come up for you.  I find a lot of these things do fall into place as the moon goes on.  I intend to keep an eye on things this month, to be sure.

©Carol Desjarlais 11.9.22


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