Sunday, November 13, 2022

Introduction to Awen: Women, Artists Entering The River of Creation




We, women, are creators.  We can make something out of nothing. OMG, we can make babies from tiny little dots of squirming fishes.  And you say you can not create art?  That you cannot draw a stick figure?  Pshaw!  We can do anything we want too.  You can take a blank page or a blank canvas and make marks.  When you do art, you are in the act of creation.  It is holy.  It is sacred creation. 

We, who art, reach for our Muse and we sit in front of a blank space, pen pencil, brush in hand and evoke the right to entry into a river of inspiration.  We evoke, be it out loud, through burning smudge or incense, or simply by sitting and waiting in beautiful quiet for our muse to take over.  Some times we force it and we end up not being able to create... we simply do.  But, when we evoke and create, the made art is a manifestation of the connection to the all that takes over and appears on paper or canvas as shape and form of the inspiration gained from entering a river of higher consciousness. 

Have you never felt this?  Ah but I challenge you to begin arting.  There are amazing artists right in this group, on Facebook, on YouTube, on vimeo, and google knows them by name.  Just begin.  Gather up the tools of the trade from the dollar store, from second hand stores, from art shops, and simply put a blank canvas in front of you and let it happen.  You will experience it.  As you continue to be a lifelong learner, your voice will get louder and louder, your mind will see visions of possibilities, your heart will have a space and place to express what may, at times, be otherwise inexpressible, your spirit will flow through the peace and beauty of entering that river of consciousness.

I pray you do try.  Join the collective of artists who enter such waters every day.

©Carol Desjarlais 11.13.22


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