Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Ridding Our Body of Trauma – Stop Flinching




As the moon begins to wane, we are reminded to think about redirections, adjustment and flexibility.  We plan things.  Things do not fall into place.  Our patience is waning as well.  It is, at this time of the moon that energy from stored trauma can be laid bare.  If we are ones to hold our emotions in, it is now that emotions begin to leak out.  You may find yourself feeling bodily shaky for no reason you can think of.  That is trauma shaking.  Women/females are often discouraged from “feeling” every feeling and so we soldier on, without realizing that it remains and it builds and it needs a relief valve.  My relief valve is creating/arting. 


We put our body through so much, the last thing we need is past ‘crap’ leaking out from some past incident or experiences.  We need to find healthy ways to simply release the valve betimes. 


Some people can meditate.  I simply cannot shut my mind down enough to do so, unless…  I move into drawing, painting, creating.  I know it to be a real healing process when I slip into that place and space where something higher than my consciousness takes over.  Soemtiomes an image comes.  Sometimes a word or a phrase.  When I begin, I may have that in mind, but then something guides me to choose c olor and add shapes, marks, and it begins that I can absolutely lose track of time while I am in that state of what I call my meditation, or my place of prayer.  It is a given, for me, that while I art, I can come out of it and feel like I have an answer, a solution, a sense of having unburdened msyelf.


Part of why some of us procrastinate, or some of us refuse to even strt creating, is that our Ego would just as soon keep us wrapped around her critical view of us and keep us more manageable for her.  I am rebellious enough to not do as it suggests.   I can hardly wait to wake up in the middle of the night, when all is calm and quiet and I can turn to my art desk and just begin, something.  The louder my Ego carries on, the faster I get there because I sense a need of release. 


What traumatizews me, is nothing but a bump in the road to others.  Someone else’s bump can be traumatizing for me.  None of us are the same, but, when you find you get the shakes, right to your bones, and cannot figure it out…or a sense of apprehension that cannot be explained.. or an explanation but, yet,  a denial.. or…..  I wish you find arting as a way to relieve stress, to relieve past traumas, to stop flinching.


I wish this for you. 


©Carol Desjarlais 11.15.22

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