Saturday, November 26, 2022

The Nature of My Father



*photo by my daughter, Shirrae

great tooth and rolling gum of Rockies

gnawing on bisque blue sky

whose drooling falls upon its bib

young or old in its arrival


clawing arms disappearing

into golden wheatfields     my father’s grain

scythed down and gathered like girl’s ponytails

stooked for gather by rough hands gloved


hunched down against December’s wasting

a warning to pioneer and patriarchs

holding court upon broad chest of home

bristling with saskatoon and chokecherry bushes

like old man’s whiskers


sweating brow of hard days work

dust gritting underneath the band of his work hat

a keening look at fall of sun

a calendar of work for morrow’s bringing


small town shrunk with age      our hill

shrunk down with years of snow and wind

pristine in its whitened gown

robes edges rimmed with yard mud and grit

still beautiful to me    my memory of him coming in


a steaming bucket of fresh milking

to be put into puzzling slots of separator

for choicest cream to bluish milk       another daughter

too late in his age      too headstrong to skim

as cream of crop      she wants to be whole


I am homesick for this milky sky

that man who had little to say

and much to project to a little one who noticed

he was as big and as important as sky


©Carol Desjarlais 11.26.22


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