Wednesday, November 2, 2022




The moon is waxing gibbons and Scorpio, in Leo,  comes ripping in to help you be strong and independent during this moon.  Your personality will be strong and sometimes loud and ‘in your face’ fun.  But that fun can be a mask because, you will be guarding yourself and defending your private life. 

Scorpio will have you enjoying the dark, enjoying extremes, wanting more challenges.  Right now, you could care what anyone thinks of you.  You believe what you believe and so be it.  You believe you are smart and that is what counts.

Right now, your loyalty is being questioned, in some way.  Let it wash off you like mud off a duck’s back.  Do not raise yourself into a striking pose – yes, we know you can make others sting – hold your tongue, don’t roll your eyes, and let it go over you as if it had never been in question.  Those who know you to be loyal will not question it.

Right now, know the difference between controlling and protecting. Know the difference between entitled and deserving.  And let grudges go.

Pay attention to those who might have a hidden agenda.  There is unfinished business afoot.  You are feeling confident and intelligent but do not forget intuition.  Ask questions, do not assume. 

Scorpio can be fearsome if you let it be.  Do not walk amongst scorpions.  Take a better pathway right now.  Scorpio can make you hurt, so do not give it a chance to get at you.  You are better than it.

©Carol Desjarlais.11.2.22


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