Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Full Beaver Moon -Total Lunar Eclipse



Ancient moon names come from what was happening in nature.  At this time, beaver were building their winter dams, making sure they inserted branches into their wigwams so they would have food for their winter cold freezing moons.  The fur-trappers were trapping to get the heavy waterproof pelts they need to stay warm and dry and survive the winter.  All as it should be. 

And we have our first snow.  The snow will not stay yet as it will melt for a while longer and then when deep freeze hits, it will snow again and the snow will stay.  It is not like home (south-western Alberta, tucked u again the US, BXC borders of the Rocky Mountains) where it will storm wildly but then a chinook comes and the snow all goes, all through winter, this will happen.  I miss those warm winds that the elders would tell tall tales about.  I think that my favorite is the one they all tell that they took their horse and buggy to church and tied the horses to the steeple.  When they came out of church, the horses had hung themselves.  Of course, it is a tall tale, but it is a beloved story that grandfathers and after grandfathers would tell.  They had tall tales and stories that cantered around nature, as well.

This full moon will have the shadow of Taurus on it.  And, since the moon has huge affect on our emotions, we will feel the push and pull: the tension.   Prepare to meet those who will want to butt heads.  Ugh! And the stubborn, both us and others.  If you have a strong personality curb it and soften yourself.  You may feel headstrong, but this is not the way to go right now.  You are going to meet equally headstrong and stubborn people.   Let of any drama that threatens to arise.  Pick your battles.  Pick your intentions well during this Full Moon. 

Note:  This is a total lunar eclipse moon, any intentions you set now will stick around for up to six months.  Make sure they are spiritually sound intentions. 


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