Sunday, November 6, 2022

Integrity and Intent



Have you ever been at a small pond (I immediately think of the small mountain ponds and beaver ponds of my childhood homeland) and you pick up a stone a skip to across?  I think that getting a stone from one side to another is also an ancient drive, an ancient personal challenge because any of us who knew or know ponds have done this.  The pond is clear as glass, not a breeze to write any stories on the surface.  The gentle grasses and reeds stand like fur against the shore.  Well, you find a nice flat stone and you are sure you are gong t skip it all the way across this time.  The stone goes plunk out there somewhere in the middle.  You continue to watch for a minute and what you notice is that the stone had sent a ripple to the other side and that very ripple had touched the reeds on the other side and been sent back to this side.  The grasses move, ever so slightly at your feet.  That is what some call karma.  That is what you put out there, an energy, that went out and returned. 

When you send out intentions to the Universe, make sure you honor yourself and others with those intentions.  Perhaps we never thought of how sending out our intentions might affect others, other’s’ fate or destiny, and what it might bring to us that we might not have suspected.  There are rules to setting intentions.

We must think of why we are setting what we are setting.

We must think, specifically, what the intention is for?

We must think how the words of the intention might be interpreted .

We must not just think of the return, we must think of the consequences.

Setting intentions is serious, not something to take lightly (“I intend to be positive all day..lah lah lah lah lah…)…(I intend to make someone sorry today.. I will have my say... I will make ___sorry…  I will stop___).   Be very careful.  There is always a cause and effect.

Here is a guide to setting intentions:

©Carol Desjarlais 7.11.22


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