Thursday, November 24, 2022

Sekhmet and The Elder Tree




The Celts called this month the month of the Elder.  The Elder is damaged every fall and winter, from nature. Yet, it revives, every spring.  It represents renewal, rebirth, creativity. 

This is, also, the time of Sekhmet, her name means power and might and the Egyptians would feed her spirit.  Her protection to lead to terror for those who she ‘protects from”.  She reminds us not to seek vengeance, control, or punishment for those who have done us wrong but to seek out her protection. 

She was known to make dead trees flower, to stop plagues and to heal from diseases.  She was known as both the lady of life and the lady of terror. 

If you have Elders around you, it would be good to place a branch on your altar and to feed it during this month.  What we eat to sustain us, we share with the altar. 

©Carol Desjarlais 11.24.22


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