Monday, October 31, 2022

Celtic New Year And Diana



Diana, as Roman Goddess, was honored as goddess od woods and wild animals, children, birthing, fertility, chastity, the moon.  At Halloween, we often forget that she has come into focus as the influencer.  It is of note that she had her darker nature as well and could be as unpredictable as the weather.  She could bluster.  Celebrations around her included lots of baked goods and fruit.  But what is so interesting to me, and cross-cultural, is that celebrants tied ribbons on trees.  On the ribbons, we written request to her.  Songs and dancers were included as well.  It is noted that some First Nations groups tie prayer bundles and ribbons on trees, especially where I grew up, on the sides of Old Chief Mountain.  If you were to walk there today you would see the trees waving their ribbons of prayers.  Adding a white ribbon to your art journal and/or altar will help remind us to stay positive and see the rough weather, of all kinds, through. 

And Halloween, Samhain, All Hallowed Eve is here and it would be awesome to celebrate it as it was meant to be celebrated.  The veil is thin.  The Pleiades are high in the sky to amplify the energies and affects during this time.  Obstacles will come, to be sure, through the dark half of the moon.  Remember the other half, the light side, is there and simply walk the walk of one foot in front of the other. 

Since the beginning of time, the Moon has been in high focus to the peoples.  Our being’ physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual, are all affected by push and pull of the Moon.  The seas, all water, even the 70% water we are made up of, are affected by the gravitational push and pull.  Expect your sleep patterns to change.  Expect your emotions to be on a rollercoaster.  Watch that you acknowledge when you feel angsty, feel irritable, are unable to focus, because these areas will feel this.  Do not feel like life is unfair with all these ups and downs.  They are just another part of life down here on Mother Earth.  We are not victims to the Universe, this is our time to grow, to acknowledge the phases of the moon and its influences on us.  Be strong.  Be brave.  Be stalwart.

©Carol Desjarlais 10.31.22


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