Tuesday, October 25, 2022

New Moon - Welcoming In Lakshmi



 The Hindu goddess, Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, auspiciousness and good luck.  Tonight is the night she is allowed to roam free on Mother Earth.  Earthen lamps are left on the doorsteps and windows are left open to let her in.  Children are blessed by their elders and gifts of sweets are given.  The Goddess comes to sweep negativity from the home.  Then, fireworks are set off near the doorways to ward off evil. 

After the celebrations, it is believed that sins of the past are erased, and at the end of the festival, everyone gets to begin anew fully repented.  Many sweets and gifts are given to the goddess and, oh, yes, before the celebration, the houses are cleaned thoroughly to please the goddess. 


This new moon is powerful because it comes at a time of a solar eclipse.  Eclipses foretell great transformations in all things of creation.  This will drive us deep into our souls and do some serious soul-searching and cleaning of our soul- house.  Since Scorpio is here, you will experience many pent-up feelings and we are being asked to deal with them now.  Your Spidey sense will be on high alert.  Old desires will resurface. And, there will be lots of intrigue and mystery. 

May you experience great spiritual power as your mind becomes crystal clear during this time. 

©Carol Desjarlais 10.25.22


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