Monday, October 10, 2022

October Full Moon with Many Names



“Goddess Moon, my list grows long

of aches, of pains, of wrinkles and repairs;

of graying hair - I sit

and stare and wonder where

I’ve gone.

through I may look a wee bit different

in face than that before,

I’m here, inside, with childlike eyes

that see wonder in your every turn.”

-       Moon Magic

Days of waning begin as the moon phases into its dimming stage.  We slow down with her.  We have and take time to reflect and asses the lessons we have learned over this last moon.  We quiet the negative self-talk.   We turn away from unproductive relationships.  We renew and recharge positive ones.  We declutter.  We prepare to let go in order to prepare for renewal later on. 

All of nature prepares, and so should we.  Birds begin to move south.  Plants drop their leaves.  Those who hunt are crisping on frosted ground towards an animal’s eventual end.  The tribes used to move down from the mountains to their winter camps.  As of Tuesday morning, Grandmother Moon will begin her decline.  The full moon has been a marker of time; keepers of time.  Each full moon a signal for activities.  It should still be, for us, for we have lost the rhythms of the moon and need to get it back.

The feasting of thanks giving is here.  We must show our gratitude for all things people and places because as the moon wanes, so does all in creation. 

Intention:  Set up your altar with opal and tourmaline.  Burn sage.  Use diffusers or any way to disperse sage, lavender, and rose scents. Stand out under the full moon for even a few moments to soak in her blessings. 

©Carol Desjarlais 10.10.22


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