Saturday, October 15, 2022

Daruma Doll: Intention For Luck




Palo santo (Bursera graveolens) is a tree that's native to Peru, Ecuador, and other South American countries. It grows in dry tropical forests and produces very fragrant resin. In Spanish, palo santo means “holy wood.” For thousands of years, the wood, resin, and oil have been used for medicinal purposes. -

There are several lucky charms that will keep you on the right side of Lady Luck in Japanese culture. A stylized rotund red hollow paper-mâché doll that represents the founder of Zen Buddhism, the

Daruma Doll is a good luck talisman that helps people achieve their goals. Purchased from a temple at the beginning of the new year, the spaces where the doll’s eyes should be are left blank.

Make your wish or set your goal for the year as you draw in the left eye on the doll’s face and promise your doll full sight once your goal is achieved or your wish granted. The doll’s face acts as a reminder of the goal set or the promise made to oneself – the perfect way to keep up those New Year resolutions. Once the goal has been achieved, or the wish has been granted, you draw in the right eye and return the doll to the temple where you purchased it usually within a few days of New Year’s Day when all the previous year’s dolls will be ritually burned. After thanking your doll, the dolls are gathered together and the temple’s monks chant sutras for the dolls before setting the gathered dolls alight. Before heading home, new Daruma Dolls are purchased, and new intentions set. A colourful way to remember intentions.

The best crystals that bring luck into the home include Green Jade, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Carnelian, Peridot, Garnet, Smoky Quartz, and Tigers Eye.  Cinnamon has come to be called the “Sweet Money Spice”

This is a good time for me to express a Daruma Doll.  Today, I nee to heighten my ability to be lucky.  I have wakened with the first thought, “Oh today is my lucky day!”  I am gathering up my “lucky charms.  I am going to wear my tiger eye necklace.  I am going to carry my lucky gems.  I am going to wear my indoor mukluks.  I am ready.  I am going to keep a positive vibe going.  I spoke to the Universe early before dawn.  If it be, then let t be.  Win or lose, positive things are happening.  What fun to focus on one thing for a change. ..focusing with a purpose…methodical in everything I am doing this morning.  

  I was introduced to Palo Santo in 1990 when I was on a professional Educational Research team, for a month, in Columbia, South America.  My experiences there were amazing, with traditional Peruvians, who came and shard heir stories of colonialism and its horrendous incidents, still, today, by the Machiguenga people who live in the Amazon, in southeastern Peru.  The people who wanted their land for its riches, had killed off most of the elders and older men who had been traditional leaders.  And there was Albert (A Christian name he had chosen), who at 21 years old, was their chief.  I had one of the most intimate experiences I had ever experienced in my life.  I went for a walk into the low growing plantain.  It was maybe six feet tall and the plants were very lush.  It was quiet in there and I needed to pray and consider what we were being told and taught.  The plantain forest was where Ice house was a small space that was enclosed and fragrant and beautiful a space to pray in,  As I was praying, I sensed being watched.  I turned and saw the most beautiful big brown eyes of Albert, peering through the parted plantain fronds.  That few moments of simply looking into each others eyes changed me forever.  It was so primal.  During the sessions, the Peruvians laughing told, as it was translated, that I lived in an “ice house”.  I had to explain as clearly as possible that where i lived we did not have to live in ice houses.  Language was a barrier as the Guimi people who were there were still living in their traditional primitive are and ways.  It was one of the holiest moments of my life.  It was in the sessions on that day, we were each given a piece of Palo Santos.  I have not had any since I used the last of that piece.  Today, I have bundles of it and burn it daily.  This morning is a precious time for me to use a piece to ward off any negativity ad I have put a beautiful piece of fire moonstone close to it and I will carry it with me.  What shall be the outcome.  I will let you know later what comes of clearing all negativity from me.  


I have intentionally done all I know, this week, to make sure that I have cleared all negative energies from me.  I have gone outside, in the night, and let the universe and Moon know my intentions.  I expect to have positive waves returned t me in some way. 

I wish you luck, sister friends.  I wish you learn as many ancient ways of carrying good medicine with good intentions.  I wish you find the positives of what feels like winning and/or losing, but carries gifts with either.  Sometimes we need to really see the lessons rather than the actuality. 


©Carol Desjarlais 10.15.22


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