Wednesday, October 26, 2022

New Moon Time To Recharge



At last, a New Moon.  Time to rest and recharge.  Things will begin, within, to sort themselves out until the next Full Moon. Watch the energy you put out and give out.  Do not give away your power.  You will need all you have until things open up again in that Full Moon.  It is that you are borrowing on energy you built up before the New Moon.  Slow down and focus on your emotions.  Be less busy.  This is a big energy depletion and you will lose energy quickly before the moon returns to her full round face.   If possible, go to, or watch, an empowering video on Netflix or on YouTube.  Stay positive.  Find positive people and things to help build you up.

Just because we cannot see the moon does not mean she is not there.   And she is affecting you and all things on Mother Earth.  Curl up by a fire and read a great book.  Reflect on your feelings and art journal.  Your mind will be restless but your body not willing.  Your harvest is done… now reap the rewards.  This goes for way more than your garden, btw.

You are going to feel tired but your mind is on overdrive.  Let it be!  Your mind is sorting out ‘stuff’.  Let it sort, but rest.  Fill the space with everyone and anything positive.   Whether you are still “moon menstruating, or not, it is still there and all the chaos and drama and frustrations and emotional chaos is going to happen, monthly, whether you di have your ‘monthlies’ or not.  (Note, the men, yes, even those in andropause, will be reacting as well.)  Your body will ache.  Your body is trying to purge as well.  Look all shaggy and strung out, if you must, but simply let life be right now.  Stay in your jammies longer, all day, who cares. 

Just remember, this is temporary and you will return to ease again soon.  listen to your body.  Banish past ‘stuff’ that no longer serves you.  Let the moon teach you grace and dignity and how to fade into the darkness yet return to a balanced light of life slowly and purposefully.  Sync up to the moon. 

©Carol Desjarlais 10.26.22


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