Thursday, October 20, 2022

Insecurities and Third Quarter Moon



“By trying to bring others down, the only thing that people accomplish is to further feed their own insecurities and bitterness.  One condescending or hypocritical remark may momentarily feed their pride, but it will choke the very flow of air that’s needed for their soul to breathe.  Do not destroy yourself in your moment of unease.  Rather, inhale and set yourself free from that prison that is your own self-doubts.  Accept yourself and you will find I that little bit easier to breathe.”  -Naziyah Mahmood


The third Quarter Moon last until October 25 and there are many influences that will go on within and around you.  Here are some things to watch out for, be prepared for, and know you have the skills to deal with:

Expect passsions to be intense and a great deal of people with hidden agendas.  Best not to make new friends or develop partnerships durring this time.


Like a festering sore that is building up under the skin and is ready to burst, your work for this month in the first quarters of the moon will crete some inner misery as yourpscyhe prepares to let it all die off, be cast off, in emotional pain at the casting off of things that need to go by the wayside.  But something new will be given birth again witth the growing moon. 


It is not a good idea to start a new project at this time.  Waning energy of the ending of the Third Quarter will make anything started too much eneregy to keep going.


As the darkness takes over, in New Moon, things will become deeper with deeper meaning and your uncosciuus will seep out and you will know more of what you need to do before the next full moon.  This will make you sensitive, physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually.  People will want answers of you.  These answers will come from deep within your strongest feelings that you may not have even known you have (remember, intensitiy). 


You will feel vulnerable in your relationships.  There will be a sense of awkwardness, a sense of dissatisfaction, and, as New Moon rises, you will begin to feel stimulated and competitive.  This can reate many problems in your relationships if you allow it too.  Know it I just a matter of you changing within.  Relationships will be challenging but stay honest with yourelf, know the fears that lie within.  After today,t hings will start to settle in and you will see that it was external pressures on your inner self.  It was just you wondering and sorting out ‘stuff’.  It will settle as you sort out what is really going on with you. 

It can be a rough few days but you can draw on your coping skills, your knowing, and use the guidance of   Hecate who carries her torch so that we might see better.


INTENTION:  I intend to control my reactions and actions to what is inner chaos not actual chaos.


©Carol Desjarlais 10.20.22


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