Friday, October 28, 2022

Oh, Pisces, Thou Art Jupitered Today




Today, Pisces is here to wrap up loose ends.  You can sense ‘full circle’ happenings as things begin to fall into place.  Suddenly you feel a sense of self-love and you are learning to trust yourself more.  You will have occasion to learn that you have been easily manipulated, easily betrayed, and you have learned to hold on to your power and not be so open and trusting of others.  Being bullied, at any level is no longer tolerable to you.  You have aways believed that people were good, but your hart can be broken again and again as they show you that they have human frailties and you have been wearing rose-coloured glasses.  Protect yourself and guard your heart.

Now that Jupiter is in pIace, your imagination will run rampant.  Suddenly, you feel all universal, a member of the whole, an important part of the universe.  It is almost a wild feeling... aware at a whole level.  You desire to express yourself, in artistic ways, whether it be in arting or in what you wear, how you decorate your house.  You want ‘pizzaz.    You are healing and it is loving and almost idealistic.  Pisces never does anything half-heartedly and, in Juniper’s influence, your intuition is strong and empathetic for others.  Your awareness, as I said, is expanded.  All this, and, yet, at times, you need your space.   You go until you are literally drained.  Your head stays quite but your heart is the ultimate driver.  Pisces keeps you going, but Jupiter tells you to rest. 

Jupiter speaks of great rewards, good karma, great positivity, and that will have you reach out to someone who is less fortunate.  You et it.  The reward is in the doing for others, for expending your energy on others.  It is the works not the final result, really, because not always does what you do make a great difference that you might see… it is in the reaching out that makes it worth it all to you.

Reach out.  Jupiter is waiting to reward you.

©Carol Desjarlais 10.28.22


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