Sunday, October 9, 2022

Full Moon- Hunter’s Moon/Travelers’ Moon



The moon has always been thought of as feminine.  Her phases take twenty-nine days to go through 8 phases.  There is different energy for each of the 8 phases.  She waxes (grows fuller) for the first 5 phases from New Moon to Full Moon and then wanes (diminishes) for 3 phases.  When she waxes is an abundance of times for us to draw things to us.  As she wanes, we should use this time for releasing, removing, assessing and reflection. 

Our bodies are 60% water.  Think how the moon affects water – the oceans – the tides during full Moon and New Moon.    Lunar energy was known to affect menstruating-aged females.  Our cycles are about the same time length as the moon’s cycle.  Maternity wards fill during full moon.  Ranchers know new born animals show up during full moon.    Even crime rates go up go up in full moon.  Emotional Moods heighten during full moon.  If we are in tune with Mother Nature, our cycles will mirror hers.  Falling into rhythm with the moon can enhance your own life in ways that, if we set intentions during this time, there is more energy to it. 

As the moon bursts into full bloom, we are in phase 5 of her cycle and there is abundant energy, fruition of earlier intentions, a sense of gratitude and well-being will fill us if we are in tune to her and we have not allowed ourselves to slip into the negative.  This is a time for cleaning.  This is a time for letting go.

Now is the time to celebrate your progression, even if it has been small steps.  It is a time to release what does not serve us. 

Set your intention for right now that you will have clarity and at peace with grace and dignity will be what you choose to rise to in the mornings and lie down with at night. 

October’s stone is Opal.  Consider what faithfulness and confidence means in your life.  Try to keep a journal/art journal, for just one month.  Place an opal on you desk or art area as it encourages creativity.  Opal is also good for protection as it emits a protective aura. 

We need to gather for winter.  Gather the emotional things that you need for this month.  Declutter your heart.  Feed your soul with the abundance that is around you.  Now is time to have a sacred space, an altar, a journal. some sacred space where you can think upon the thigs of the Moon as she moves through this month.  I am choosing to do, of course, an art journal to record and to use to put down my sacred thoughts, expressions of met soul during this time.  I do have an outside altar and an inside altar.  I received a package of Palo Santos (Holy Wood) just in time to begin o use this smudge for this month. 

In the far North, during winter, the men would go hunting up in the barren lands and when the women knew they were coming back, the women would go out and make a trail in the deep snow for the dogs and the men to travel home, more easily, on.  This is the kind of service for you to give to those who are important to you.  Go tread an easier path for them.    None of us has done all this work, walked this journey, this last month, alone.  Honor those who made your life easier during this last moon cycle.

And, lastly, but not least, the Goddess of October is Hecate is often shown as a traditional black witch that is part of Halloween but she was a Greek Goddess and then the Romans took her to symbolize the triple headed goddess who guards the crossroads of life.  She was the link between the underworld and nighttime upper world.  She represents all of us who have a dark side and a light side.  She represents the phases of the feminine from Child to Crone.  The owl is shown as her companion and night sounds (howling wolves) is another.  During this moon, we will be asked to consider our dark side, openly and honestly.

There will be a great deal of tension for you during thee few days of full Moon and the beginning of Waning.  Art journaling is a great release of these that are building up.  Pay attention to your thoughts and record them in some way.  I shall art journal. 

INTENTION:  Call on Hecate for guidance and safe passage during these moon phases of Travelers’ Moon. 

A secondary Intention is to make some Moon Water by putting water out in the garden area.  I will use a sealed quart jar and will put a quartz crystal in it.  It needs to stay in full moon night for 2 – 3 hours.  This can be used for plants indoors, for you to anoint yourself with when you need balancing during this full cycle. 

©Carol Desjarlais 9.10.22


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