Sunday, October 16, 2022

Third Quarter Moon: Purging



As our daylight fades, take a symbolic shower and get on with some rest by letting go of the day.  Every night, I consider my day and let it go so I might rest.  If I do not rest, I weaken myself to all the problems I think I have had and I let it all haunt me.  I give gratitude for what went right.  I give thanks for the day and ask that I might wake up on the morrow to start again.  Every morning is a clean slate.  We have to think of it this way or wither.

Now is the time to sort stuff and release, give away, give whatever to whomever it belongs.  What no longer serves you is a burden.  Pack light.  Get rid of things that weigh you down.  Stop rolling that eternal heavy rock up the hill of life. 

Now’s the time to forgive, release resentments and regrets, and purge whatever is no longer serving you – clothes, old makeup, even friendships that are weighing you down. Create a clean slate with space for new manifestations to take root in your life.  Be aware of how freeing packing light can be.

I watch Hoarders now and again.  I am flabbergasted at what people use to replace reality.  Every one that I see, I realize that we view possessions as substitute for other things of note.  One mother lost a chid and began hoarding toys until she could no longer move in her house.  One man lost a wife and he substituted her with ‘guy’ stuff until he had nothing but engines, wheels, nits and bolts and it filled up his life until it ran over and he still did not have a wife.  A other woman bought herself stuff she would never wear until she could not wear even what she hoarded because it was filthy and layered with a dozen sick cats and kittens and mice and feces until she was ill from even living in what was her home.  Sometimes we hoard emotional stuff until we are in the same boat as them.  Therapists gave them challenges and they had to decide between reality and ‘filthy; stuff.  They created a give away, a keep, a giveaway, a sell, a garbage.  Not surprising that most stuff went into garbage.   I watched as they uncovered their truths and saw them symbolically shed themselves of unnecessary unneeded stuff and gained a sense of normalcy in what they kept.  Their paces became beautiful.  It was painful.  It was emotionally charged.  It was surrendering.  It was falling into the lap of reality and how their choices make their reality.

We need to go through this painful, liberating exercise of letting go of that which does not serve us, that which no longer suits us, that which we have chosen t burden ourselves with.  Each act of letting go is a type of forgiveness.  Each thing we rid ourselves of is a little bit more freedom and a step towards grace and dignity and peace and love and joy.

I wish us all purge.

©Carol Desjarlais 10.16,22


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