Monday, October 17, 2022

Third and Last Quarter Moon: Regrouping, Forgiving Self



Be as kind to yourself as you would be to a wounded child.

We need to be responsible enough to recognize our steps, and rather than sink into shame and guilt, we need to shift our thought-patterns into one of intentions to make changes that are necessary for peace, dignity and happiness.  We will all bump into obstructions that will disappoint us in ourself.    We need to find ways to disrobe negativity from our body, mind, heart and soul, and invite forgiveness in by simply changing.  We CAN change our personality.  We can.

Our personality traits are not static and we can change them through challenging the way we have done things in the past.  We can physically challenge ourselves.  We can mentally change ourselves.  We can emotionally change ourselves and we can spiritually change ourselves.  It takes one day to break a habit but it takes many to change a habit so do not think it doesn’t take hard work.  It does. 

If we are consistent in our intention (s)...if we hour by hour, day by day, week by week, say we are INTENDING to change, and keep that thought foremost in our head, it will happen.  Ad, of course, we will backslide.  When that happens, give yourself credit for the time you were successful, start again, and intend to make it even one hour, one day, longer.  This last quarter moon is a great time to make adjustments.

Take some quiet time and consider things you have never forgiven yourself for.  It is time. 

Sometimes we shut off our emotions.  Sometimes we fear they are too big to handle.  The longer we put off feeling them, the larger they get.  It is time.  Feel them.

If you have made an error, speak to yourself about it.  Acknowledge it/them. 

Stop thinking of mistakes as the end of the world.  They were made a moment, a day, a week, a year ago, a decade ago, a lifetime ago, and get over it.  What did you learn?

Have a good long talk with your Evil Inner Witch/Critical Inner voice and tell it she needs to get over it too.  Nothing can change anything about the incident but everything has changed since then.  Hasn’t it ruled your life long enough?  Don’t let the dying words be that of that danged Ego/Inner voice.  This is constantly “A New you”.  Act like it and tell her to hit the highway.  Do we want nothing but regrets at the end of the day?

Of all the good advice you have given anyone else, learn to take for yourself.  If you notice that your first action is always to criticize yourself, you are being abusive to yourself.  You before anyone else, needs forgiveness… your own forgiveness.  You, of anyone you know, needs compassion.  To let go of guilt and shame and anger and sadness, and get on with living in the now.  Regroup.

INTENTION:   I will refuse to listen to my critical inner voice and give her any more power she never ever deserved.  Give yourself credit for everything you do and fix what you can, in the immediate, and get on with finding some peace and joy and happiness. 

©Carol Desjarlais 10.17.22


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