Sunday, October 30, 2022

Uh Oh; Watch Your Energy as Mars Retrograde Begins



Samhain (“Sow-in”) a Gaelic harvests’ end celebration and the beginning of the darker half of the year.  It is celebrated on October 31 and the New Year starts November 1.   I am finishing off October’s art and art journaling and moving into my new November art journal, wondering what will appear in this Celtic New Year.  I am starting my new Daily planner that includes Card journaling and a beautiful new kind of journaling that is “The Year of the Goddess:  Wisdom and Love From the Feminine Divine 2023.  I will show my work now and again and springboard my art in my art journal from that information and writing. 

Mars moves into retrograde, at this time, this year, and we are going to really feel it.  In fact, we may have been feeling it for a few days.  Mars is all about our energy.  Suddenly, all motivation is gone and you feel sluggish.  Again, this might have been going on for a few days but it is full force now. 

Expect to feel like you have been drug through the wringer.  It is time to rest and recuperate.  Watch how Grandmother Moon does it.  Spend some time outside watching as she is determined to bloom again.

Much love and light.

©Carol Desjarlais 30.10.22



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