Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Last of Third Quarter Moon – Rejoice in the Relief



You are not wounded nor broken.  Your Ego will tell you that.  You are not unworthy.  Your Evil Inner Witch/Critical Inner Voice/Ego will tell you that too.  You lack nothing.  You are enough.  You are complete as you can be while God/Goddess is still working on you.  Everything about you is as it should be; the only parts that are not whole are those you have not healed yourself.  You are your own medicine.  You are sacred – every fibre of your being is sacred.  You, alone know the truths of your story.  Some parts of your story, you have tamped down – those are the parts where you became the lesson and the opportunity for healing.  Dig at them and let them reveal to you what a courageous being you are.  Change your story line.  Your whole story is up to you. 

We are all on a journey.  Life is a journey.  There are hills, plains, mountains and great oceans within your story.  You detoured, you struggled to climb, and here you are.  You ended up here.  You must be important to someone to have come this far, even.  Perhaps you need to take a closer look at what a hero you are.

You matter.

©Carol Desjarlais 10.18.22


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