Thursday, October 27, 2022

WAXING CRESCENT 27 – 30 – Envisioning Your Journey To Sacred Self



And, slowly, the Moon begins to wax, with a small crescent that begins to grow like a beautiful silver crescent. 

Right now, you are coming out of what feels like a fog.  Something feels ‘off’.  That’ something that is off’, will seem to be something deep inside and you cannot put a name to it, quite.  You may long for those who you can meet with, gather with, for intellectual edification, for conversations around deeper, even spiritual, topics.  You will really wonder what your purpose is down here on this hard earth.  There will be a type of longing for something, as I said, that you cannot quite put your finger on.  Staying mindful, staying focused, staying Present, is the key right now. 

Pay attention to things around you and how they affect you.  For instance, if you go out for a walk, feel the air on your face, hear your footsteps, check how your hands are (are your fists clenched?).  Notice how you feel inside.  A walk is great for reconnecting to your body through being observant and attune to your senses; inside and out. 

Beneath the layers of social conditioning, is what you truly believe.  This time of the moon is a time when something deep inside, precious and dear, reminds you to stay authentic, to stay proud of what you believe, and let your every action and word and expression begin to express that.  It is there, in that dear space, that you feel compelled to do more, spiritually.  We may have avoided it.  We may have denied it.  We may have had it rise, occasionally, but we have quelched it to fit in with those who might judge us.  It is okay.  You are okay.  It is what it is and it is enough that you acknowledge it.  You do not need to search here and there for it.  You already own it.  Just become more spiritually aware (not religiously aware – spiritually aware.)

Spirit and emotion are closely connected on the Medicine Wheel. As you become more emotionally authentic and aware, it happens that your spirituality becomes more so.   Lean into your authentic emotions, not the ones others expect you to show, the real you.  Note to Self...we are not sad, morose beings, our spirit is joyful and pure and sweet and precious as diamonds that grew out of pressure.  Love the beauty of your spirit.  Celebrate that you are still standing.  Celebrate that you still trust.  Celebrate that you are still striving.  Celebrate that you, alone, know your truths.  Honor and love yourself the way you do others.  You are not needy.  You are whole and enough.  It is what it is and here you are!  A beautiful sisterfriend to all of us who ask nothing more of you than to be here and be heard and be comforted and comforting.    I am grateful for you.  You matter.  Ads I blog and explore my spirituality and explore expressions of such, I am comforted knowing you are here, even those who are silent and, yet, are here. 

Here is where I hope to cultivate connections.  Here is where we share our purpose.  Here is where we can share our belonging.  You matter to me.  Our spirits thrive and sharing that thriving helps others survive, overcome and thrive.

Let our spirits have their say!  I care.  Let us get involved as our Grandmother Moon opens up here beautiful eye to us.

©Carol Desjarlais 10.27.22


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