Saturday, October 29, 2022

Leaning Into The Light




As the moon waxes, so do we, whether we are conscious of it or not.  Energy will pick up.  Your positivity scale will be rising.  In fact, your hopes will be rising even though our economy has tanked.  Gratitude will rise.  I know I am grateful for all the vegetable and fruit I have put in the freezer and canned, from my garden.  The blooming of the moon causes us to bloom.  We will have new ideas.  We will be more nurturing to self and others.  We will meet and deal with hurdles put in our way.  Expect breakthroughs.  Think don’t act, right now. 

Commit to your own reality.  For those who read their own tarot cards, do so.  This might help you set intentions for this next few days before full moon. 

The Moon is influencing Pisces and Pisces is influencing the moon. Pisces becomes very passionate and is mot empathic right now.  Do not be persuaded to use up energy you are only just building up.  It is Pisces that will inspire you right now. 

INTENTION:  I will attempt to bloom slowly, to use energy with restraint, and will allow life to inspire me.

©Carol Desjarlais 10.29.22


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