Saturday, October 22, 2022

Hecate’s Wheel: Connections




Hecate’s Wheel is known as the Stropholos of Hecate.  It is an ancient Greek symbol that is representative of the her, a moon goddess.  Hecate was known as ruler of sky and sea and earth, a Triple Goddess representing Maiden, Mother and Crone stages of all things.  The circle encircles a labyrinth, a circular snake symbol that represents rebirth and renewal, as well as representing the three faces/phases of Hecate.  It also speaks to the journey of life, the outer and the inner journey.


Hecate speaks to the letting go of the past so one can be present and to persist on towards a future.   The snake symbol speaks to shedding the past and things that no longer serve us. 

Here are some Hecate things to consider if you want to meditate or have an altar for Hecate:

A black, white, and red candle

A Hecate Wheel

Three keys

Two Bay Leaves


Rose petals


Today, be prepared to reach out and smile at passersby, to engage in conversation with someone who might be a stranger to begin with.  You will suddenly notice the beauty around you in a new way.  Your energy level will be heightened.  You will find you are more filled with grace today and you might even show it but not feel it.  If something comes up, refuse to be drawn into any drama or chaos.  You are trying to be full of grace, dignity and goodness.


©Carol Desjarlais 10.22.22

  Follow this link to see all 5 process videos I did.. Not great videos bu I am starting to get it.

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