Wednesday, March 1, 2023

The Moon and I: New Moon Phase



The influence of the moon on us comes in the form of energy.  This energy can come to us in many ways and will influence us at a deep spiritual way.  The way to harness the moon’s energy is to know what it is and then using it wisely to make better of ourselves.  Gather a moonstone because it is a stone that will magnify the teaching and knowing, will calm you, and will help you stay in balance.

The moon is symbol of the Triple Goddess.  She is a woman, like us, going through her stages of maiden, mother, crone.  As she blossoms over the 29 days, we are given the opportunity to turn to her for the lessons we need to accept the things the Universe offers us, then we are given the opportunity to reflect, to asses, and to release negativities.

The cycles begin with the New Moon and then the waning moon , all the way through the stages until we reach the full-faced Full Moon and then the Waning Moon.  The idea of aligning ourselves to the moon energies is not a new one.  Somewhere we learn the phases and their influence on us and how we can use the phases to their fullest advantage. 

The New Moon is a chance for new beginnings so we cleanse during this time.  March 1 is a time of yellow and Cancer is afoot.  At this phase of the growing moon/waxing moon, we are given an opportunity for a clean slate.  The Universe is offering us something like a birthday cake with candles lit and ready for our wishes.  This is a time to be cleansed and ready to set some personal goals for the next 29 days.  It is a time of releasing the things that cause us anxieties and insecurities.  Seeing that it is a Cancer Moon, we are influenced to work on things we would want in our everyday life. 

I, for one, need to stop procrastinating and I am going to work on not being a procrastinator during this time.  Step by step, staying present and focusing on not letting things just slide to the edges of my purpose, I can work on this.  As well, I need to find my new energy to get through winter’s last gasp and enter into one of my favorite seasons and all the energy it takes to begin spring cleaning, setting up arbor/art space, planting seeds in egg cartons and allowing new things to begin to burble into my life. 

Spring is a time when the Druids gather at Stonehenge.  India and Nepal celebrate the festival of color and, we , too, begin to feel the sense of new beginnings, so we must create new energy to be busy and begin and finish things as we go.

March 1st is a day to renew and reenergize our friendships, our tribe.  The energy it takes to cheerlead, to empower others, causes our energy to grow as we see how much a compliment or a wish for someone else can change how they feel. 

Like a timid, careful, hare, (beware the procrastination, today) we sit in the edges oof the forest and meadow and contemplate our next move.  We are that.  Be that, and stay in the shadows until you have done everything you need to to begin a new cycle.

©Carol Desjarlais 3.1.23


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