Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Sagittarian Spirit of the Day



“I am more than this journey!”  - healing mantra for Sagittarius

You will get a sense, today, of something higher than you being in charge.  The spiritual charge in the ether will have you being drawn to religion and/or ceremony/belief/karma, etc.  You are a searcher and will find reason to draw closer to something of your childhood that gives you purpose or motivation today. 

Also, you will be called on to do the ‘right’ thing.  And you will be perplexed at whether a white lie is necessary, or that a truth might hurt another or cause difficulties for your relationship.  Be careful about hurting someone else’s feelings with your ‘truth(s)’

Carry some topaz, or turquoise in your pocket for wear it so that you guard yourself and that it might help you transform in some way in order to progress.  Wear light blue to remind yourself and put out there that you spiritual journey is in the making. 

In today’s spiritual influence, here ae some things to watch for:

-       an opportunity to converse with another about beliefs.

-       Allow someone to have their weeping feelings without trying to ‘fix’ them – holding space for another’s intense feelings

-       An opportunity to compliment a total stranger for something. 

-       An opportunity to get out of your own head and help someone with some physical work they have been needing help with.

-       Be that kind of Sagittarius today!

©Carol Desjarlais 3.14.23


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