Sunday, March 5, 2023

Marigold Medicine Day


Day two of Leo’s influence brings us to marigolds and the medicine we gain from them.  Of course, the colour of the day is marigold yellow.  And, of course, again, the scent is marigold for incense or oils.  There are four Medicine Wheel aspects of marigold; their influence on everything; physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual.

Marigold flowers/plants are found all over the world.  Marigold is awesome good medicine.  It was used, by Mayans, Aztec and Mayans to honor gods and spirits.  Mayan priests would bathe themselves in marigold infused water before proceeding to ceremony to call on the spirits.  They, also, used marigold for fevers and stomach aches.  Ointments were made as extracts or infusions, for jaundice, ulcers, pink eye, liver problems, burns. and wounds to stop the bleeding.

In modern days, marigold symbolizes positive energy.  Of course, the color is bright yellow of joy and optimism (India uses the colorful blooms for festivals of all kinds).  To Hindus, it is said that it represents surrender to God. We know the bright yellow blossoms as herb of the sun, happiness, and luck. 

Marigold protects other plants near the plant.  And, in some areas, marigold also represents the shadow side; the jealousy, grief, mourning and despair.  In, yet, others, it represents remembrance and honoring those past. 

Marigold is associated with the Sun and, because the petals collect dw overnight and then it drips off, it represents grief. 

Right now is a great idea to start marigold seeds in the house.  I use cardboard egg cartons as seed-starters.  We can start them 6 – 7 weeks before end of frost, let them get started in the house, then put them out on warmest sunshine days until they are ready to go into the ground or pots. 

Let’s do that…even the promise of spring, in a seed starting to germinate in a pot, is enough to start energizing us and brightening up our hope for soon to come.

©Carol Desjarlais 3.5.23


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