Saturday, March 11, 2023

Art Is Holy Work: Art Resting Page



Art can be meditative, can be like a prayer, can be divine soulful activity.  Art/creativity comes from a creative space working in your brain Creativity includes body muscle memory, it includes critical thinking, it incudes working with deeply set emotions, (and, of course, immediate surface emotions), and the soul gets involved when we shut down our Ego (our critical voice saying you are doing something dumb, wrong, etc.). 

You will know when you have moved into intuition and deep creativity.  You will lose a sense of time.  You stop trying to force a piece of art to go a certain way (usually trying to copy someone else’s work, or reality, as exactly as you can).  When you get lost in the activity, you have moved into holy grounds.

NOTE:  HOLY does not mean religious.  There are many different genres of art, what I am talking about is the space we are in when we do any art. 

Sacred/Holy creativity is when you dig deep into your life in order to heal, to have authentic experiences of self-expression of emotion.  It is unleashing and unlocking deep sacred expression.  It is a place of awe.  It is a place of your true soulful spirit.

Have you experienced it?  Activity seek it.

©Carol Desjarlais 3.11.23

In my art books, I may put in a resting page… a page I can turn to and can help me move into that sacred space away from life’s drama, concerns, anxiety, etc. and move into in order to find peace.


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