Sunday, March 26, 2023

Candle-dressing: Heliotrope




Heliotrope is part of the borage family and it is grown for its fragrant purple and/or blue flowers, with stars in the center, that are harvested for making perfume. Heliotrope incense is used to open up the sixth sense and to help us know more about the future. 

The way that heliotrope is used to dress a candle is to put a drop of the oil on the candle, and rub it all over the outside of the candle,  when you are ready to light it for intentions you are setting…especially when you are making decisions about the future.

Putting incense/essential oils on a candle, when setting intentions, etc. can enhance healing, or answering questions for yourself with the help of fire, and specific oils etc. is what it means to dress a candle. 

In case you were wondering what the color of candles mean and the symbolic enhancement that they bring when burning them:

A black candle, when burned, is for calming, restoring, and invisibility. 

A blue candle enhances patience, truth and guidance.

A brown candle enhances stability, practicability, and earthiness.

A gray candle enhances balance, neutrality, peace.

A gold candle enhances longevity, radiance, and liveliness.

A green candle enhances growth, luck and wealth.

An orange candle enhances pride, success, confidence.

A pink candle enhances care, self-love, glamour.

A purple candle enhances intuition, wisdom, power

A red candle enhances passion, courage, ambition.

A white candle enhances protection, serenity, transitions.

A yellow candle enhances intellect, learning, concentration. 


Tonight, or whenever it is you take a few minutes to pray, or meditate, or simply think, dress a purple candle with an essential oil (you can look up what the different oils enhance through searching google).  Slather the candle with the oil and light it.  After thinking about an intention, or something you would want an answer for, leave the candle lit and let it burn all the way down.   


Here is a link to the symbolism/properties of essential oils:

Blessed we be.  Be blessed.

©Carol Desjarlais 3.26.23


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