Friday, March 24, 2023

Self-imposed Boundaries: Our Story About Us



“Self-Acceptance” means to acknowledge, not to fix nor even improve who we are:  physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually.  As long as we do not honor ourselves, affirm both the shadow and light of ourselves, there is no way to understand ourselves.  We need to accept in order to forgive ourselves our frailties, our not knowing better, our chance to grow into our potential and purpose for being here at all.  We need to change, yes...because we will change, either in the positive or the negative.  I choose positive.  To make any progress towards happiness and purpose, we, first, need to change how we think of ourselves.  Before wanting anyone else to regard us, we must first have self-regard. 

We are way more than our past.  We are even way more than our present.  We do not get the ‘right to the marrow’ happiness, peace, contentment, calm, joy, from other’s regard.  We have to be more than our next accomplishment, as well. 

We do not need to listen to other’s story about us.  We cannot continue to live the life others determined would be ours.  We have to validate ourselves in order to move on and become more of ourselves than we could ever have believed.  We have to stop fixating on our past and the voices that said we did not measure up.  The critical voice/Ego-driven voice has nothing to say about our present, never mind our future.  Those voices are no longer present.  The only voice present is the still small voice in your soul that says you are a goddess, a child of gods and goddesses, daughters of Eve, absolute miracles.  We need to live that.  Let Karma do the work on those who did not believe in us. 

©Carol Desjarlais 3.24.23


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