Monday, March 20, 2023

Ostara, Eostre, Cybele – Spring Equinox



Now Nature hangs her mantle green 
On every blooming tree, 
And spreads her sheets o'daisies white 
Out o'er the grassy lea. 
Robert Burns


We can feel the energy building as the season begins to change.  Winter is sputtering, but losing its battle.  Like a naughty child, it thinks it must have the last word, but Spring, in all her glory is burgeoning and birds are singing her home.

Equinox {Equal night}has been proven to have been celebrated by many ancient cultures.  In Mexico there is a large volcanic-looking structure that was made to align during equinoxes, so that, as the equinox sun shines, the light pours down the steps leading from top to bottom, and looks like a serpent slithering down the steps.  In England, the Druids gathered at Stonehenge to celebrate new beginnings and the Goddess Eostre.  The ancient Romans celebrated Cybele and self-mutilation ended the celebrations.  In Ireland there is a stone site that looks to be a fort with two entrances.  During equinoxes, the sun shines just right so that it splits the circular fort in half representing life and death.

What we seek for, or should, is balance because the next few days can be chaotic.  The Universe is having to make a drastic change and it does not come easily.  Some things must end.  Then there is renewal and new growth. 

Today is the day to get rid of that that does not serve us, trade, donate, trash things you have not used in 6 months.  This
is a day to begin to change things you know needs changing in order to regain balance. 

Note how your spirit feels.  It is coming alive.  You will feel excited and hopeful.  Things are awakening and there will be things awaken in you.  There are new ideas and new things to try.  You will sense that your thoughts are bright and inspired.  Be clear about what you want in your life for this new year of growth.  Think of things you might want to harvest come fall.  What is calling out to you?

You are the answer!  Spring Forward!

©Carol Desjarlais 3.20.23


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