Thursday, March 2, 2023

Feminine Energy



Cancer is in a waxing crescent, a time of growing warmth and light that illuminates our intuition in order to make good choices for intentions for this month.  It is the scent of nutmeg and the color green.  It is a time of mothering things from seeds, to people, to places, to things. 

We will be a little more tender and vulnerable during this time.  We are about to fling the seeds of our intentions out into the universe.  In 2004, I was, I felt, ready to meet a soulmate.  I had worked hard on myself.  I went out under the new moon night, in the far North and told the Universe I was ready.  And there he came – my beautiful white knight of a man.  That one night call to the Universe caused me to know, love and be loved by the most wonderful partner ever.  It would only last twelve years before I ha to mother him in his leaving this journey and beginning a new one wherever it is we go next.  But I had the choice experience of being truly loved, cherished, and cared for.  Truly, he was my soulmate. I will miss him for forever.

We will feel very protective right now.  You feel self-protective, but can go too far with it.  A mothering energy is abound.  Do not be alone tonight…invite some friends over, go out for dinner with some, find a way to gather with girlfriends. 

And, today, speak your heart, from the heart.  You will be emotional.  Allow the moon to bring out what you truly need, emotionally.  A waning (shrinking) moon is the time to cleanse, release, and to let go of fantasies and be grateful for reality. 

©Carol Desjarlais 3.2.23


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